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Discover How ALDI Australia Elevated Employee Engagement and Efficiency with a Staffbase App and Intranet

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ALDI Australia engages their employees while reducing costs and increasing productivity.

  • Staffbase has provided a one-stop-shop for employees and helped ALDI Australia own their narrative.
  • HR integrations reduce the workload for their HR team and provide a better employee experience.
  • The ability to provide employees with one place to access relevant, trusted information provides immeasurable cost savings for the business.
  • The wide variety of analytics available allow their team to regularly review usage metrics, and demonstrate an average monthly active user rate of 94%.

Shaping the narrative withour employees and driving productivity through shared purpose has been at the heart of why we moved to an app. And the benefits you get from the HR systems that can be plugged into it lead to cost efficiencies and a better employee experience.”

Adrian Christie, Director of Communications

store locations in Australia
adoption rate. Practically their entire workforce has registered for MyALDI.