
20% of the Workforce Will Belong to Generation Z by 2020

See How an Employee App Can Help Improve Your Communication With Gen Z Workers

Why should you care about Gen Z workers?

Like no previous generation, Generation Z challenges how companies communicate internally. Born between 1995-2015, Gen Z— coined “the smartphone generation”—grew up in a world of constant connectivity.

Engaging this generation of digital natives requires a new approach that simultaneously addresses their need for constant communication, cultural inclusivity, and top-down transparency.



Recommended by customers worldwide who use Staffbase to drive digital transformation.
How can Staffbase help you prepare?

Members of Gen Z are on their phones an average of 15.4 hours per week--more than any other device.

The right technology isn’t just a mobile version of the old, it’s built mobile-first.

40% want daily interaction with their boss and 28% want feedback from their manager after every task.

Transcend corporate hierarchies, encourage communal interaction, and boost employee engagement with transparent messaging.

43% prefer a self-directed and independent approach to learning.

Continuous learning at work helps organizations tap into the full potential of their workforce, not only as employees, but as people.

75% believe an organization is more innovative when it encourages a culture of diversity and inclusion.

Internal comms have a critical role to play when facilitating a space for honest, inclusive, and informed conversations.

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