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Unlocking the Power of Intranets with the Help of AI

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Instead of fearing AI let's look at embracing the tool! When it comes to creating a successful Intranet for your employees AI could be the assistant that you wish you had! Grammarly, ChatGBT, and Bard are just a few AI tools that can make your workday a whole lot easier.

Watch this exciting webinar where our speakers discussed their favorite AI prompts, what AI can bring to your Intranet, how to support your comms strategy with these tools, and much more!

Watch the webinar:

Watch the webinar to hear our panelists discuss:

  • Helpful AI prompts that you can use when creating your Intranet.
  • Determining the right AI tools for you.
  • Using AI and Intranet to support your comms strategy.
  • How Staffbase intranet and Staffbase Companion can help you succeed!


Kelly Designs  (2) copy 3-2
Mina Bojic
Account Executive at Staffbase
Kelly Designs  (2) copy 2-2
Samantha Grandinetti
Internal Communications Manager
Kelly Designs  (2)-Jul-17-2023-02-55-28-1894-PM
Imogen Hitchcock
Owner of Beaumont