Ask the Experts: How to get the raise, the job, and the career you want
“It has been a long time coming for leaders to truly understand the strategic consultation and the strategic value that internal communicators have. Now it is seen and it cannot be unseen. So go get the promotion, go get a raise, get the team you deserve, get the budget that you need.”
—Kim Clark, Internal Communications Consultant, Speaker and Coach
Whether you’re ready for that next step or you’ve been laid off and are looking for your dream role, now is the perfect time to focus on the growth and resiliency of your career. So kick self-doubt and fear to the curb and get REAL career advice from communication professionals that have built interesting, rewarding, and enviable careers in internal comms.
Listen in as our mentors answer all of your questions and we dive into what’s made the biggest difference in their careers and how they’ve succeeded and failed.
Watch the webinar!
In this webinar you'll learn:
How to make smart career decisions
What it takes to get hired and promoted into your dream role
How to plan your next career move after COVID-19
How to leverage successes and overcome failures along your career path