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Grinch-Proof Your Comms:
A Bootcamp on Increasing Employee Happiness and Retention

Did you know 61% of employees considering a job change cite poor internal communication as a key factor?

In our bootcamp, you'll learn to implement strategies to boost employee engagement and retention.

Our experts cover:
✨ Reaching every employee by mastering multichannel communication.
✨ Building trust by communicating with speed and transparency.
✨ Turning monologues into dialogues with two-way communication.

Watch the Recording:

Create a joyful workplace.

The Grinch
On Demand
Get ready to learn strategies that will help you turn disgruntled employees into engaged team players. Our speakers explore bridging communication gaps and fostering a joyful workplace where everyone feels heard and valued—even those Grinchy skeptics!
Karen Downs_headshot_circle-1
Sam Marshall
Clearbox ConsultingOwner
Karen Downs_headshot_circle (2)
Amelia Dahmer
StaffbaseCorporate Account Executive
Karen Downs_headshot_circle (1)
David Michaelson, Ph.D
USC Annenberg Center for Public RelationsResearch Fellow
Karen Downs_headshot_circle (3)
Ellen Rich
Dover CorporationDirector of Global Internal Communications
Lindsey Sullivan
StaffbaseGroup Product Marketing Manager, Solutions
Andrea Holland
StaffbasePR/Communications Advisor for North America
On Demand
Reaching Every Who: Mastering Flexible, Multichannel Communication
Learn how to adapt your communication strategies to reach every employee, whether they’re in the office or working from home (...perhaps in a cave on Mount Crumpit).
On Demand
Building Trust in Real Time: Communication with Speed and Transparency
Discover how to build trust and alignment through timely communication, delivering company news swiftly to prevent misinformation.
On Demand
Turning Monologues into Dialogues: Embracing Two-Way Communication
Discuss the state of internal comms according to the 1000+ employees surveyed in The 2024 Employee Communication Impact Study and how to develop a culture of listening to better understand employee needs.


Where can I read The 2024 Employee Communication Impact Study?
Click here to download the study.
Will recordings be available?
Yes! Sign up today and you will receive a recording of the entire bootcamp one week after the event.

For more info contact: