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Does It Really Take a Village? How Internal Comms Teams of One Can Succeed

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Internal communication is the cornerstone of every organization. No matter the size of the business, having a strong communications strategy in place is imperative for success. In many cases, however, the teams implementing and executing internal comms strategies are underrepresented. This begs the question: do you need a large internal comms team to be effective? Our panel of specialists don't think so. And they're here to tell you how. 

Watch the recording:

This talk covers:

  • How to succeed with limited resources
  • How to get front-line managers engaged and involved with comms
  • Why so many organizations choose to start with a small comms team
  • How to delegate in a team of one

Kristin Hancock
Kristin Hancock
Engagement Mastermind | Dynamic Presenter | Most Fun Person You Know
Debbie Aurelius
Director at Peppermint Fish Limited
Tiffany Elle
Head of Global Communications at Versum Materials
Advita Patel
Advita Patel
CIPR U.K. Board Director | Director of CommsRebel