In April 2021, we released our Internal Communications Maturity Assessment. Since then, more than 800 internal communications professionals worldwide have taken the assessment in the first step to ensure their IC strategy fully supports their organization’s overall goals.
Watch this webinar to learn about the results of the IC Maturity Assessment, including how companies scored in the categories Strategize, Communicate, Engage and Optimize. These results provide an initial benchmark for companies to use as they evaluate their IC strategy, especially in the wake of the global pandemic which has forced organizations to take quick and decisive steps to reach an often remote workforce.
The webinar will also introduce you to our Staffbase Masterclass, where you can learn more about creating powerful messages, connecting with your audience and setting goals for your internal comms team to ensure eliminating any possible blindspots.
Watch the webinar:
Watch the webinar and learn how to:
Understand the global state of internal communications
Assess how mature your organization’s internal comms are
Determine how to truly transform your internal communications
Leverage the internal comms tools and resources available to you for long-term success